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Sneak Peek Pics
from last year party

Sneak Peek Pics
from last year party

Gaucho's 3rd Anniversary
Want to Join
Here's how.
We will be having name draws from our devoted
Instagram & Facebook followers plus Subscribers.
So if you are an active follower, who shares and comments on our posts, your name will be selected to participate in the draw.
If you haven't been such an active follower, there's still time to catch up, go online, like our page and share it with friends to increase your chances of winning the draw.
Come celebrate with us!
Cheers to Gaucho!
First Draw Apr 15th
Second Apr 18th
we will be releasing the names in all our social media.
We will try to contact the winners to provide the VIP ticket.
If you see your name has been selected by the draw, please email us to claim your ticket:
Drawing Results
2nd April 18th draw results
Webpage subscribers
Miguel parrado
Michele Heck
Kasey Marie Owen
1st April 15th draw results
Webpage subscribers
Menah Pratt-Clarke
Heather Deapen Bryson
Sasha Marine

Culture Behind the Beer
This light, crisp, smooth lager emboldens the flavor profile of Yerba Mate, often described as earthy, smoky, spicy
and slightly bitter tea.
Added benefits of the mate herb
(Ilex paraguariensis)
include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, polyphenols, amino acids & mateine.
The legendary Yerba Mate is made from a holly tree native to the South American rainforest. The plant's leaves and twigs are fire-dried to comprise the tea.
Referred to as the Gaucho's "mate tea" and "drink of the Gods" for it's rejuvenating and invigorating nourishment.
The "drink of friendship" is traditionally shared by the filling and passing of the mate gourd and through
the gathering of friends.
We hope to foster a similar spirit of community and good will over this new hybrid brew!.
For a truly unique taste, you'll have to come try it yourself at the taproom of Gaucho's Grille!


gaucho ilex lager
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